


The first Union Act No. 5018 came into effect.

April 4, 1949
Ahmet Saygı, Mehmet Ali Sarsılmaz, Hakkı Cesur, Nevzat Akdeniz, Abdurrahman Yavuz, Hamdi Erkan, Osman Milaç, Hasan Uluç, Mehmet Tunalı, Hayri Kantoğlu and Hüseyin Mağara, all workers at tyre factories in Kazlıçeşme, Eyüp and Balat, founded the İstanbul Tyre and Rubber Industry Workers Union.

September 25, 1949
Our Union had its first General Assembly meeting where Şaban Akdoğan was elected President of the union.

October 1, 1950:
The speakers at the 2nd Union General Assembly Meeting focused on inadequacy of public hospitals, young workers constantly suffering workplace injuries and qualified senir staff being replaced by young workers. Nevzat Akdeniz was elected President at this General Assembly Meeting.

Politics moved into the Multiparty Era where the People’s Republican Party lost the election to the Democratic Party.

September 30, 1951
Nevzat Akdeniz was re-elected President of the Union at the 3rd General Assembly Meeting.

The Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions, TÜRK-İŞ, was founded.

May 18th, 1952
A general Assembly Meeting was held on this date due to the growing disagreements between the board of directors elected at the 3rd General Assembly Meeting.  Emin Karatekin was elected the new President of the Union.

November 30th, 1952
The problems that surfaced amidst the management could not be resolved by the General Assembly Meeting.  Emin Karatekin was re-elected President at the 4th General Assembly Meeting.  After heated debates at this meeting, it was decided that branches at Eyüp and Kazlıçeşme would be founded.

Niyazi Hançer was elected President of the Union at the 5th General Assembly Meeting.

Rıza Kuas was elected President of the Unioan at the 6th General Assembly Meeting.

Rıza Kuas was re-elected President at the 7th General Assembly Meeting.

May 11, 1957
Rıza Kuas was re-elected President at the General Assembly Meeting held on this date.

May 17, 1958
Rıza Kuas was re-elected President at the General Assembly Meeting held on this date.

November 7, 1959
With agreement of the General Assembly, The Tyre, Rubber and Plastic Industry Trades Union was renamed LASTİK-İŞ.


May 27, 1960
The Military Coup occurred on May 27th.

1961 Constitution
The 1961 Constitution was approved.

February 13th, 1961:
The Turkish Labour Party, of which the President of LASTİK-İŞ was one of the founders, was founded.

February 16, 1961
LASTİK-İŞ became a member of TÜRK-İŞ at the General Assembly Meeting held on this date.  Rıza Kuas was re-elected President.

December 16, 1961
LASTİK-İŞ became a member of the International Federation of Industrial Organizations and General Workers’ Unions – IFF (later re-named The International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers’ Union– ICEM) upon an agreement made at the General Assembly Meeting held on this date.  At the same meeting, the decision to form the first womens force was made.

December 31, 1961
The Union, Collective Labour Agreement, Strike and Lockout Acts were still not approved.  Employers took advantage of this legal void by making short term agreements with employees and firing them shortly after  the term of the agreement expired. Due to this reason, the applications made to the Supreme Council of Judges by the union, were inconclusive. Turkey had its first big rally at Saraçhane in İstanbul as a result of these developments.  Over 200,000 people took part in the rally.

The Turkish Labour Party came into power following the election that took place on this date.  Rıza Kuas was elected as a member of parliament.

The approval of Acts in relation to strike and collective labour agreement rights defined by the 1961 Constitution, were being delayed.  During this period, letters signed by Rıza Kuas, were sent to employers warning that workers were not to be forced to work overtime or on Sundays.  Workers at the Derby Rubber Factory ceased production in the belief that they were being treated unfairly in this regard.  A lawsuit was filed against Rıza Kuas and 10 workers for encouraging illegal strikes.  Rıza Kuas wanted the matter taken to the Supreme Court as he claimed that they were judged for using a right that was part of the constitution. On March 24th 1963, the Supreme court ruled to withdraw Clause 72 on the grounds that it obstructs the right to strike and is not in agreement with the constitution.

Unions Law Act 274 and Collective Labour Agreements Strike and Lock-out Law Act 275 were enacted in accordance with the 1961 Constitution.

A strike was held at the Fargo Tyre Factory for the right to grow a beard.

June 22, 1963
There were no changes at the General Assembly Meeting, however, the board of directors discussed and debated the union’s role in the enactment of collective labour agreement and strike rights laws in accordance with the Constitution.

September 2, 1963
The first legal collective labour agreement was signed at Şark Rubber Factory by Lastik-İş.

A strike was held at Trio Tyre Factory as a forewarning that the employer failed to meet the demand of the collective labour agreement.  Rıza Kuas and Celal Beyaz who were arrested on  November 21st for encouraging illegal strike as a result of lawsuits filed by employers, had 21 days detention. The employer was forced to take a step back as a result of 28-day strike.

December 21, 1963
This General Assembly meeting was mainly about discussing the disaggrements between Türk-iş and the union.The president Rıza Kuas  mentioned in his speech that his expectations from Türk-İş were ‘Not to give up the rights set by the constitution, to create a class consciousness within the organizations that affiliated to it and to follow an honest policy in order to make the oppressed ones reach that consciousness.’

The strike started at Goodyear in 1964. The government didn’t end the strike, but citing the events of the Cyprus, Türk-iş decided to end the strikes. The 93-day strike in Goodyear Factory, was ended by Türk-iş. As a result of the meeting attended by Türk-iş directors and Minister of Labour the contract was signed. In the meeting held with the workers, Rıza Kuas asked the following question; ‘To what extent it will be right us, as Lastik-İş to be in a so called trade union confederation which looks after the interests of the sovereign powers and the ones who exploit the rights of the working class instead of protecting their high interests?


February 12-14, 1966
At the General Assembly Meeting held on this date, the politics employed by TÜRK-İş was discussed, no changes were made to management.

February 1-2, 1967
At the General Assembly Meeting held on this date, it was decided unanimously that Lastik-İş would part ways with TÜRK-İŞ and become a member of DİSK which was still in foundation process.

February 13, 1967
On February 12th 1967,three trade unions affiliated to Türk-İş;Lastik-İş,Maden-İş and Basın-İş with independent Gıda-İş founded the ‘Trade Unions Solidarity Organization’. Upon  the decision of Türk-İş to temporarily expel these three unions, they cut loose from Türk-İş and with Gıda-İş and Zonguldak Mine Workers’ Union ; five union in total founded DİSK.

In 1968, at the 15th General Assembly, Rıza Kuas was reelected President of the union and said the following sentences regarding the foundation of DİSK; ‘We mustn’t be late to comprehend this important event in our history of trade unionism.Türk-İş and the political parties that support it have tried to regard and present DİSK as a temporary adventure of some trade unionists. The ones who keep a close eye on political and social developments of Turkey immediately understand this imputation doesn’t reveal the truth at all.’

February 10-13, 1968

Rıza Kuas was elected the President of the union at the General Assembly held on  these dates.

July 4, 1968

In Derby Tire Factory, upon the employer’s wish  to make a contract with Kauçuk-İş, the union that he himself had formed, instead of Lastik-İş,the first factory invasion took place.


Again on this date, the famous ‘Don’t Let Them Search Your Body!’ campaign was launched. On the brochures that were given to workers was written; ‘Worker friend, prevent actions that are against human dignity and constitution. Don’t let employers to search your body at the factory entrance and exit. My worker brothers and sisters, if they attemp to search your body, you don’t let them and go inside collectively. No matter what happens, you don’t let anyone to search your body without a court order. You don’t let them search your body and leave the rest to your union.’

In these years, Lastik-İş was on strike in Samsun Tor Tyre Factory, Kocaeli Goodyear, İzmir Nurop, İstanbul Atlas ,Doğan Tyre Factories and many other places.

February 10-11, 1970

Rıza Kuas was elected the President of the union at the General Assembly held on these dates.

June 15-16, 1970

On June 11th 1970, upon the proposal to severely restrict union membership and collective agreement rights of trade unions by making amendment on the Acts No. 274-275, a resistance was launched against the law in June 15-16, three workers died in the events, the law was withdrawn.

June 18, 1970

The workers employed in Gisloved and Derby Tyre Factories launched action for the release of detained workers in June 15-16 events. However, employers decided to cut off the wages of the workers’ who took place in the events of June 15-16 and didn’t return to work. On October 3rd 1970, workers of Gisloved Factory first held a sit-in due to unpaid wages as a result of the June 15-18 events and then turned it into factory invasion. One of our members, Hüseyin Çapkan, died as a result of the intervention of security forces.

12 March 1971 Memorandum

March 12, 1971
Chief of Defence Staff with Commanders of Armed Forces gave memorandum on behalf of the Turkish Armed Forces.

April 4-5, 1972
At the General Assembly which was held following the March 12th, Rıza Kuas was elected the Presidentof the union.

In this period, after March 12th, many trade unionists affiliated  to DİSK were arrested, stood trial, certain activities of Confederation and trade unions slowed down, aside from the organization to develop and perform new organizations, there was a struggle only to protect the existing staff.

October 7, 1974
Following March 12th, the first strike decision was made in Gislaved Factory.

September 16, 1976
After the repeal of the organizational law of the State Security Courts prepared in 1973 by the Supreme Court in 197, studies were started to re-enact the law in 1976. Following this event, the actions, which were political in terms of both format and content and known as DGM resistance in history, carried out by DİSK, lasted for 4 days, the bill didn’t come into effect.


At the General Assembly Meeting held on this date, it was announced that the union made collective agreement with 51 workplaces and negotiations for the contract were going on in 11 workplaces, Rıza Kuas, despite his illness, was re-elected the President of the union with the insistence of the delegates and members.

May 1,1977

At the demonstrations in Taksim Square held on the occasion of May 1 Labour Day,the police fired on workers, 36 workers lost their lives.

June 27-28, 1977
At the 19th General Assembly Meeting Rıza Kuas was re-elected the President of the union.

March 16, 1978
An attack was organized against university students at Beyazit, where 7 students were killed.  Lastik-İş workers protested the massacre by walking out on work.

January 24, 1980
January 24th Economic decisions were made.

May 28-30, 1980
At the 20th General Assembly Meeting, Rıza Kuas announced his retirement from the General Presidency, Head of Kocaeli Branch and the General Executive Board Member, Durmuş Ali Yalnız was elected the President of the union.

July 22, 1980
The former President of DİSK,Kemal Türkler was assaulted in front of his house and lost his life.(In 1947 Kemal Türkler, who was studying law, started to work at Emayeteş Factory; he was elected Bakırköy Branch President of Turkey Maden-İş Union in 1953 and he was elected as the General President of Turkey Maden-İş Union in 1954. Kemal Türkler, the founder of DİSK and The Turkish Labour Party, served as the General President of DİSK from the foundation of it till 1977.)

 12 September 1980 Military Coup

Military coup occured. Activities of DİSK and unions affiliated to it were banned. Until the end of 1983, free collective agreement was replaced with YHK.

October 17, 1980
With the amendments in Labour Law and Maritime Labour Law made by the Act No.2319, the provision that maximum severance pay can’t exceed 7.5 times of the minimum wage for 30 days introduced.On December 10th 1982, this arrangement was changed as the amount of the annual severance pay can’t exceed the bonus of the highest public servant. So, the debt owed to the workers till that day, wiped off with the amendment of the law.

April 17, 1981

With the Act No.2448, it was adjudged that the workers can be given 4 bonuses at most by the collective agreements.

October 29, 1981

In 1971,Rıza Kuas, who got sick during a speech at an international meeting, was diagnosed with kidney disease. Kuas, who was re-elected  the President of the union with the insistence of the members despite his ill condition at the General Assembly Meeting in 1977, said the following sentences on March 1980, at the 20th General Assembly Meeting of Lastik-İş which he took over from Kazlıçeşme and made the most effective and well-founded branch of its activity; ‘ In this General Assembly, I bid farewell to you as your General President. My life and existence were always honored with your presence and I dedicated my life to working class people with your selection. You are worth to sacrifice my life, please forgive me. Sublimate your union,but never forget me, your interest is the only cure for my life.’ Rıza Kuas lost his life on October 29th,1981.

May, 1983

Unions Law Act No. 2821 and Collective Labour Agreement Strike and Lock out Law Act No. 2822 were enacted.

June, 1983

The State Security Courts which had been taken back with great struggles prior to 1980,came into effect with the Act No.284.The crimes included in laws such as; meeting and demonstration marches, strikes and lockouts, collective agreement came under the responsibility of these courts.

October 6, 1983

Meeting and Demonstration Marches Act No.2911 was enacted and very strong restrictions imposed in these area.


September 5, 1983

Vahdettin Karabay, Naci Çelikoğlu, Ahmet Teker, Muzaffer Kurt, Akif Pehlivan, Remzi Tunç and Şerafettin Yığın founded Laspetkim-İş Union.

November 12-13, 1983

Laspetkim-İş had its first General Assembly Meeting, in the 2nd Article of the Founding Statute it was indicated that the union would protect the rights of its members and fight for a democratic,free class and mass unionism.

After September 12, Laspetkim-İş was the first free union to pass the %10 threshold.

December 9, 1985
The first strike after September 12 was held at the Nur Sun Leather Factory,where 53 workers employed, upon the negative results of the collective agreement.

The two strikes,one at Pirelli Tyre Company launched on 21.11.1986 and the other at Derby Tyre Company launched on 17.12.1986 were ended upon reaching an agreement.

Laspetkim-İş had its 2nd General Assembly Meeting.

May 1, 1986
After September 12, communiques were read in workplaces and May 1st was celebrated for the first time.

There was a 43 day lasted strike at Dora Plastic, where 350 workers were employed, as a result of collective agreement dispute.

Due to collective agreement disputes, strikes were held at Brisa which lasted 26 days, Noramin 147 days, and  Ege Plast 363 days.

April 17, 1989
200 workers went on strike at Ansa Pharmaceutical Plant in Kocaeli upon obstruction of collective agreement negotiations. The strike lasted for four months.

October 28-29, 1989
Laspetkim-İş had its 3rd General Assembly Meeting. Vahdettin Karabay was re-elected President.


March 10, 1990
There were strikes at Goodyear on March 10, at Duramel on March 13, at Pirelli on April 2 and at Brisa on April 24 upon  negative outcomes of the collective agreements.

August 13, 1990
Ongoing  strikes at Goodyear, Brisa, Pirelli and Duramel were postponed by the Council of Ministers on the grounds of National Security.

August 31, 1990
Workers began death fast upon the dismission  of our union members at Aksa and Akim Factories in Yalova.


January 3, 1991

Laspetkim-İş supported the ‘general boycott’ and ‘general act’ launched by Türk-İş with over 90 workers to protest the general course of the country.

Workers at Pirelli and Brisa occupied the factories due to the non-payment of wages.

Workers at Goodyear protested the dismissal of 115 workers by not leaving the factory building.

Over 200 workers employed at Pilma Plastic in Adana marched in the city center due to the employer’s refusal to pay the collective agreement claims.

January 4, 1991
The workers of the General Maden-İş Union,who had gone on strike on November 30,1990, decided to march to Ankara on January 4,1991.However, when the workers arrived at Mengen, the Council of Ministers announced that the strike postponed for one month.

July 16, 1991
DİSK was acquitted and re-opened.

January 24-25, 1992
Lastik-İş Union had its 21st General Assembly Meeting.

September 1, 1992
DİSK held ‘The Democracy Rally’ on September 1, World Day of Peace.

October 24-25, 1992

Laspetkim-İş had its 4th General Assembly Meeting.

December 5, 1992
The sit-in held at Laysan Factory in İstanbul,which had been launched by our 11 union members, who had been fired without compensation, and lasted for one month, was ended in success and the fired workers were re-hired.

March 3, 1993
The independent Laspetkim-İş Union affiliated to DİSK.

July 2, 1993
The hotel in which many artists were staying including Aziz Nesin,who came to Sivas for Pir Sultan Abdal Festivities, was set on fire, many of them lost their lives.

The strike launched at Keban Plastic in Gaziantep on January 11,1993, was ended on March 4,1993 on the provision of an agreement.

The strike launched at Fürsan Factory in Kocaeli on April 13,1993, was ended on May 28,1993 on the provision of an agreement.

The act not to leave the factory building at Dabsab Factory launched upon the dismissal of 18 workers,was ended after 5 days when the employer re-hired the workers.

August 24, 1993
The employer fired 24 workers, who were employed at Özdiler Plastic in İstanbul, after they became members of our union. The fired workers held a sit-in in front of the factory building and the ones working in the factory stopped the production.

October 10, 1993
150 workers held a strike at Plaspen Plastic in İstanbul upon the dismissal of 4 workers.The sit-in in front of the factory lasted for 60 days.

March 26, 1994
At the 3rd Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting, Lastik-İş decided to merge with Laspetkim-İş.

April 2-3, 1994
Laspetkim-İş and Lastik-İş decided to continue their activities under the name of Lastik-İş with the Extraordinary General Board of Merger.

A sit-in strike was held at Pilma Battery Factory upon the dismissal of our 67 members.

July 20, 1994
Türk-İş,DİSK, Hak-İş, Platform of Public Employees Trade Unions and various mass organizations held one day strike.

September 27, 1994
A strike was held at Kartal-Poliplast upon the dismissal of our three members.Security forces intervened in the resistance and a large number of people were detained.

September 1994
A strike launched at Goodyear in Adapazarı upon the dismissal of 84 workers. After 3 days, the strike was ended in success on behalf of the workers.

November 23, 1994
A sit-in was held at Site Leather Factory upon the dismissal of 57 of 130 workers who were the members of our union.

November 26, 1994
All workers at Fürsan Factory stopped the production upon the dismissal of 6 workers with no justification. The action lasted for 25 days continuously.

The production was stopped at Ciba Geigy Pharmaceutical Factory for three days and a sit-in was held upon the dismissal of 5 members of our union.

40 workers employed at Görce Plast in Kartal was immediately dismissed after being a member of our union.The security forces intervened in the sit-in action on the 7th day which  workers launched on April 1, 1995.

April 5, 1995
April 5 decisions were announced.

April 10-11-12, 1995

Tire Industry World Conference organized by International Chemical,Energy and General Workers Trade Unions Federation (ICEF), was held in İstanbul with the home ownership of Lastik-İş.

April 24, 1995
A march was held in Ankara by DİSK to protest the Social Security Law Draft.

October 21-22, 1995
Our union had its 22th General Assembly Meeting.

On September 12,1996, the workers’ solidarity action was carried out with 1200 workers at Brisa Tire Factory to support the strike of the United Steel Workers Union in USA.

April 23-27, 1997
The first one of the training programs titled, ‘New Labour Associations and Trade Union Organizations’ was held on October 14-18,1996 and the second one was held on April 23-27 in Polenezköy. The third one of the same training program was held in France.

The strike launched at Fürsan Factory in Kocaeli ,was ended after 52 days on July 18,1997 on the provision of an agreement.

December 8-16, 1997
An Ankara march was held by DİSK against dismissals,costliness,and the gangs within the state.

February 16, 1998
The workers employed at Mefar decided to join our union. However,the employer dismissed 8 workers without compensation.The workers went on strike.All our members and the people of the region supported the strike. The strike ended after 9 days when the employer agreed to re-hire the workers.

500 workers employed at Van Leer Plastic Factory in İzmir Çiğili Organized Industrial Zone joined our union. The employer fired 14 workers after they became  members of our union.But, the employer re-hired the workers at last.

Collective Labor Agreement was signed at Adapazarı Toprak Pharmaceutical Plant.

The employer of the Rehau Polymer Chemical Factory dismissed 22 workers after they became members of our union and threatened the other workers, wanted them to secede from the union,but the workers resisted the employer.

Our all worker members at Laspar in Bursa Demirtaş Organised Industry Zone and Contitch-Aktaş in Bursa Kestel Industry Zone, who went on strike to support their dismissed workfellows, were dismissed without compensation.

May 29-30, 1999
At the 23rd General Assembly Meeting of our union, Vahdettin Karabay was elected President. Administrative Secretary of Kocaeli Branch,Abdullah Karacan, was elected General Secretary.

The employers of Paksel Chemistry in Çerkezköy, Işık Colour and Boyataş in Gebze, Özka Rubber in Kocaeli dismissed 110 workers after they became members of our union.The workers at the factories went on strike with their dismissed workfellows to make the employers obey the laws.

Upon the dismissal of 143 workers at Fatih Ölçe Factory in Halkalı, a resistance movement was held in front of the factory.


November 2000
The process started with the financial crisis was the beginning of general economic crisis.

May 5, 2000
The strike started on April 28, had been  postponed by Council of Ministers on the grounds of ‘National Security’on its 8th day. The workers of Goodyear,Brisa and Pirelli went to work one hour late to protest the ruling on May 8. Thousands of workers, DİSK and the branch administrators of unions affiliated to it marched. Also, some members of the Labour Platform went on hunger strike to protest the ruling. The hunger strike was ended on May 13.

January 19-20, 2002
After the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting held on this date, Abdullah Karacan was elected President.

March 14, 2002
The workers employed at Beybi Factory who were made to resign by their employers on March 13,2002,collectively became members of our union again on March 14,2002. They resisted the pressures of the employers by stopping the activities at the factory.

May 17, 2002
The ongoing strikes at Goodyear,Brisa and Pirelli were postponed by the Council of Ministers on the grounds of ‘National Security’. With this third postponement, it became impossible to maintain trade union activities or collective agreement process in real sense.

September 8-9-10—October 7-8-9, 2002
International training study titled ‘Trade Union Structures and Collective Agreement Policy and practice’ was held in İstanbul and resumed with participants.

January 30, 2003
Within the context of international education activities, during the visit of Azerbaijani trade unionists, who were operating in our line of business, a 2 days training study was carried out together.

February 27,2003
Within the context of international education activities, during the visit of French trade unionists, who were operating in our line of business, a 2 days training study was carried out together.

May 31 – June 1, 2003
Lastik-İş Union had its 24th General Assembly Meeting.

September 17, 2003
Our President and central managers went to Pharmavision Factory at 06:30 in the morning as 5 workers, including the representative, were dismissed the previous day.253 workers became members of the union in the yard of the factory.

September 25, 2003
A protest was launched in front of the Fanset Electrical Appliances Factory upon the dismissal of 13 workers.

January 28, 2004
The 19 managers of the unions,DİSK,TÜRK-İŞ,KESK and TMMOB,attended the rally titled ‘No Corruption,No poverty’ carried out against government, were sentenced up to 18 months.

March 16, 2004
The strike decision at Pirelli,Brisa and Goodyear Factories taken by our union, was postponed by the Council of Ministers.

March 24, 2004
A protest march and rally were carried out with the participation of our headquarter managers,branch president and managers,sister unions,international union leaders under the leadership of our President Abdullah Karacan, against the ones who took away our the very democratic ’Right to Strike’.

September 06, 2004
The president of Lastik-İş Union Abdullah Karacan and Rıza Kuas opened the Headoffice.

September 17, 2004
A sit-in was held with our members at their workplaces in order to make the employers keep their right to get severance pay.

October 1, 2004
Within the context of a program formed by our Headquarter Department of Education, a training was given to our business representatives and members about Basic Human Rights, Social Rights and the Trade Union Movement.

October 20, 2004
A training held for our representatives and members with trade union managers from Germany, within the framework of International Education Program of our Headquarter Department of Education.

January 10, 2005
The international seminar given by Headquarter Department of Education, which ICEM General Secretary also partipated in, was held at the Headoffice Conference Hall of Abdullah Karacan.

March 4, 2005

We were always with the workers from the first day of the struggle for Seka Plant not to be closed until the last day. We spent one night at the Mechanical Workshop, which was the symbol of the resistance, with our President Abdullah Karacan and Headquarter Managers.

June 27,  2005
As the employer appeal to the authorization certificate, workers didn’t eat in the morning,afternoon and evening at İbrahim Ethem Ulugay Pharmaceutical Factory. The workers from Huhtamaki,Bento,Pharmavision and Pfizer also supported them.

July 14, 2005
A training was given to the workers of İbrahim Ethem Ulugay Pharmaceutical Factory by Headquarter Department of Education at the Headoffice Conference Hall of Abdullah Karacan in the evening after work.

July 16-20, 2005
A strike was held at Delta Plastic Factory and ended in success on behalf of the workers.

July 20-21, 2005
A protest was held in front of the Görsel Plastic Factory with the dismissed workers and our Headquarter Managers.

August 22-23, 2005
The products held at the store of the Bento Tire Factory as receivable accounts of the workers ,were wanted to be removed by other creditors. Our three friends were injured in the brawl and were taken to the hospital.

January 06, 2006
İstanbul Branch Managers and Headquarter Managers of our union, who went to Görsel Plastic Factory to exchange bairam greetings, met with the police barricade.

Being updated…